Last week we went to the West Side Market and brought home a big fat bunch of gorgeous golden beets. I was so pleased with how they turned out. We had a great big bowl full of golden beets, and they lasted four days while we ate them with everything! That’s because this recipe goes great with roasted chicken, thick tangy yogurt, scrambled eggs, a bowl of lentil soup, or greens sauteed in olive oil. Basically, everything. 

3-4 medium beets
1/4-1/2 tsp. cayenne pepper (yes, I like more)
2 tsp. honey
1/2 tsp. Kosher salt
scant 1/4 cup white vinegar

Boil freshly scrubbed beets until you can slide a cake tester in and out with just about no resistance. Turn off the heat, and allow the pot to cool completely.

Peel cool beets with your fingers under running water. The peels should mostly slide off easily, and then scrape off any stubborn remaining bits with the edge of a sharp knife. Slice off the ends, and cut up the beets into 1/2-inch cubes.

Using a whisk or fork, mix together the vinegar, pepper, salt, and honey until the honey is completely dissolved. Pour over the beets, and stir well. Makes 6-8 servings.

3 thoughts on “YOUR HEALTHY PLATE: Golden Beets

  1. I have opted to go the healthy way and I have found the recipes given here very helpful. I love the varieties you give and hopefully i will cope with my new routine

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