YOUR HEALTHY PLATE: Rustic Zucchini & Tomatoes

A very long time ago, I spent an exhilarating and exhausting day working up an appetite climbing inside the Giza Pyramids in Egypt. Later that night, I ate a dish just like this in a busy restaurant in Cairo. My memories of that meal are layered through with the sounds of noisy waiters running between the kitchen and the small round tables, clanging pots, joyful patrons, and the smart smack of pottery plates, all while dozens of cats walking silently above us on the beams of the restaurant’s ceiling. If you’ve been gardening this summer, or if you’re friends with someone else who has, there’s a good chance that you already have what you need to make this recipe. Continue reading

YOUR HEALTHY PLATE: Rustic Zucchini Layered with Tomatoes

A long time ago, I spent an exciting albeit exhausting day climbing inside the Pyramids at Giza. Later that night, I ate a dish just like this in a restaurant in Cairo. Having worked up quite an appetite, my memories of that meal are layered through with the sounds of noisy waiters and clanging pots, the smart smack of pottery plates being gathered to and from tables, and the sight of dozens of cats walking silently above us on the ceiling beams of that busy restaurant. Continue reading