YOUR HEALTHY PLATE: Savory Tofu Barbecue

I know I promised that I would be posting recipes for fudge and fancy cocktails, but then I came across this recipe and it seems perfect for a pandemic. I think you’ll be glad to have it. It’s very forgiving, and if you make a batch and store it in the refrigerator, you (or your kids) can pop a few blocks in your mouth without a second thought, and keep moving. No planning, no organizing. Just pure protein, delicious and nutritious. Continue reading


Here’s a special pasta dish with a gorgeous rainbow of colors that is perfect for when you want to make a good impression on someone special. And not only is it beautiful, but it’s so, so good for you. Each and every color represents a different phytonutrient, a building block for your good health. Nourishing yourself well is like playing roulette: you’re a lot more likely to win if you spread your bets all over the table. So think of each color as a different bet. And enjoy! Continue reading

YOUR HEALTHY PLATE: A Salad for the Holidays

Here’s something lovely for your upcoming holiday celebration, and a great addition to a table filled with so many other wonderful, favorite, traditional and distinctly un-salad-like recipes!

Greens are magic, and they fill you up with all kinds of magnificent phytonutrients and vitamins and minerals. That’s because leaves contain a rainbow of yellows, oranges and reds hidden inside the greens. Plus they make you feel so good when you eat them. Continue reading