The Best New Health App in Town!

This past year, I met Adam Baratz, a twentysomething who was talking about his idea for the new app, Betchyu. And this past week, I am thrilled to report, Betchyu launched! The Betchyu team is everything you’d expect — young, hard-working, creative, smart, entrepreneurial, and ambitious. These guys have cracked the code for motivation. Way to go, Adam and team!

What is Betchyu? It’s an app that invites you to challenge your friends to bet against your success, in hopes that the dare will inspire you to follow through on your commitment. Direct from their blog, “Betchyu is a mobile application that takes self-improvement to a whole new level.”

It’s relatively easy to set a goal, but sticking with it is a different type of challenge. With Betchyu, you set a goal, put it on the line with a gift card, and then invite your friends to bet against you. If you succeed, the friends who accepted the initial challenge each owe you a gift card of the variety and amount you chose. If, on the other hand, you fail to meet your goal, then you owe each of them a similar gift card. That’s it, easy-peasy: A built-in payout system takes care of the whole process.

What’s different about Betchyu? Friends who believe in you are, absolutely, one of the strongest motivators. But friends who believe in you enough to bet against you are even better. By recruiting your network of friends to support you, Betchyu makes self-improvement a social experience.

Right now Betchyu is set up to help folks eat better, lose weight, exercise more, and so on. But I think that’s just the beginning! Just imagine the possibilities…like betting your roommates you can take out the trash every single day for a month, or challenging your friend that she can’t limit Candy Crush to 30 minutes a day, or committing to eat a cup of greens every day for the entire summer, or betting your older brother that you will study Statistics for two hours every single day for a week. The possibilities are unlimited!

Check it out here, at, and congratulations to Adam and the Betchyu team!

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