Enjoy Your Meal, Taste Your Food

I like to think that nourishing oneself is actually pretty basic, and I love Michael Pollan’s famous guidelines: “Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.” Instead of forbidding yourself an entire food group, or filling your grocery cart with the latest processed food-like sensation, how about just focusing on the basics? Meals were never meant to be about protein bars, diet sodas, fast food, or drive-thru windows. Meals are for taking a break, catching up, sharing food, experiences, stories. It doesn’t have to be fancy, it just needs to be the point of the exercise. Not eating on the run, for example, but eating for purposes of eating. And I would add one more suggestion — enjoying every bite. 

Nourishing yourself is not about dieting — which is guaranteed to fail since it’s based on deprivation — nor about counting calories or fat grams. Eating well is about the pursuit of delicious, flavorful food, where each food supplies a different set of building blocks for your good health. When you begin to avoid processed items, with their manufactured faux flavors (e.g., strawberry-creme-flavored), and replace them with real, whole foods, you soon see how “nutritious” and “delicious” are two sides of the exact same coin.

Think about a perfect ripe tomato, just-picked strawberries, corn on the cob, grilled onions, roasted peppers, a fresh squeezed lemon. Each and every one of these foods provides your body with vitamins, minerals, fiber, calories, and phytonutrients to support your good health and the normal functioning of all the cells of your body. When you’re deeply satisfied by nourishing, flavorful, whole foods, the desire (and need) to overeat lessen. Your brain knows the difference. It can tell when it’s been nourished, and that’s really the name of the game. 

This time of year, my garden is bursting with color and freshness, and so is the produce section at the grocery store around the corner. Let your taste buds be your guide. Include fruits, vegetables, fresh herbs, snappy beans, whole grains, olive oil in your meals. At mealtimes, try as best you can to slow down, to appreciate the beauty of your meal, to be grateful for your meal, and to enjoy each and every bite. Whether it’s a burrito or buerre blanc, let’s all try to do our best to slow down a bit.

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