Gratitude 12/25/2022

Today, friends around the world are gathering to celebrate, and I am thinking about gratitude. It’s a good time to look around and take stock.  

I was born an optimist. I always see the glass half-full. I always turn lemons into lemonade  — what else would you do with them? While it is true that I have, unsurprisingly, had my share of bad days, with a few very bad days thrown in for good measure, I will be the first to tell you that they have made me a better person, and a better doctor as well. Once, when a friend sent me a “positivity challenge,” I smiled to myself because, as far as I’m concerned, it’s never been positivity that was the challenge! 

In any case, there is a great deal for which I am grateful. Here is my short list, and I invite you to add more of your own in the comments section below.

First, the weather. Despite the blizzard, it’s about as cozy as cozy could be right now. The snow is being whipped around madly out there, and the chaotic wind is making a sound just like our teakettle, but our home is snuggly warm and the candles are burning bright.

My schedule is about to change dramatically, and this coming Monday I will be celebrating with my first yoga class in three years. I am so grateful for this.

I am married to a generous and kind man who is also a good cook. A huge pot of soup is currently bubbling away on the stove. 

My twelve-year-old dog, Parlay, a gift inherited from my father when he passed away just over a year ago, is spry and friendly and beautiful. She is good company, and for reasons I cannot exactly fathom, she does not look or act anywhere near her age.

Have I mentioned my grandchildren? All three born in the last 18 months, and all of them named in memory of my parents. Got something in my eye there. Notwithstanding the fact that my daughter, son-in-law, and grandbabies were laid low by COVID this past week, our entire family is strong and healthy, and I am deeply grateful for this. Poo-poo-poo.

I am grateful for a steady mindfulness practice. Day after day, season after season, no matter what, I make time to have a seat on my yoga mat, rest my hands — palms up — on my crossed legs, and breathe. 

Lastly, I am grateful to my patients, my colleagues, and my family for having supported me through a lifetime of work as a physician. By this time next week, I will be retired from clinical practice. I am looking forward with gratitude to whatever comes next. 

18 thoughts on “Gratitude 12/25/2022

  1. Wishing you continued good health and blessings for the new challenges of your next phase in life. They call it retirement, I call it wonderful and cannot figure out how I ever had time to work. Thank you for all your blogs and suggestions. I look forward to hearing your latest developments.
    On my gratitude list for this morning: starting with the “mundane” but not tonbe taken for granted: waking up, hot water to take my shower and the energy to do the tasks I need to complete today.

    • Wonderful! Years ago we spent a week in a youth hostel in Cairo, where a cold shower was available for one hour every afternoon. I’ve appreciated every hot shower since! Thank you for your words of encouragement.

  2. Thank you Dr. Sukol for who your are in the world and for all you have done in service of the health and wellbeing of your family and this community. To add to the gratitude list: my parents and elder generation that are still living; friends and colleagues in whom I can confide and whose integrity I trust without question – you and your husband among them. Only blessings going forward, and so looking forward to your next chapters.

  3. I am grateful that i have
    Enough friends who care
    Enough love to fill my heart
    Enough food to sustain me
    Enough books to last a lifetime
    Enough curiosity to keep learning
    Enough resources to be generous
    Enough humor to keep me laughing

    I am also grateful that i have four kitties
    Who keep me endlessly entertained.

  4. Congratulations Dr.Sukol! Time for the next life adventure. I too am retiring in 2 weeks, after 35 years of nursing. I have no doubt you will find plenty to keep you busy enough. I hope I can do the same!!

  5. Dr Sukol:

    I am grateful for you (and your husband) for helping me to be the new person I am. Your weekly posts were always inspirational, calming and insightful. Your humor along with your recipes was always a joy to read. I wish you the best!

    • Thanks Cheryl for your generous words! In case it wasn’t clear, I am retiring from clinical practice but plan to keep writing the blog, and I’ve added a monthly column at the Cleveland Jewish News, too, for now. Be well.

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