My TEDx Talk

It’s been about ten years since I gave this talk at Ursuline College in Cleveland, Ohio. That’s quite a long time. I remember there weren’t enough spaces for the whole title, so it was changed from Your Health to Our Health. That also works. There’s a lot here that I still use,

but there are also some useful observations that I had forgotten I used to make.

There’s a section at the end of the talk in which I compare two photographs of myself, one before and one after I began to eat differently. First came the realization that there was something terribly wrong with the American diet, and only after that came the changes to my kitchen and the way I was feeding my family and myself. Later, I saw those changes reflected in my outward appearance, and only then –finally– did I understood that these changes were happening on the insides of our bodies as well the outsides.

What I did not share in the original presentation was that the changes in my appearance, dramatic in hindsight, were noticed first by one of my children as he flipped through old photograph albums one rainy afternoon. In retrospect that seems remarkable to me. I myself never saw it until he pointed it out. And then, of course, I couldn’t unsee it. Out of the mouths of babes…

I hope that this is helpful to you. Feel free to share it.


2 thoughts on “My TEDx Talk

    • Thank you, Elsa! I hope you have been finding answers to the concerns you shared earlier in the summer. I have tried to identify and share content that addresses your specific questions. Let me know how it’s going… Best wishes as always, RBS

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