YOUR HEALTHY PLATE: A Salad for the Holidays

Here’s something lovely for your upcoming holiday celebration, and a great addition to a table filled with so many other wonderful, favorite, traditional and distinctly un-salad-like recipes!

Greens are magic, and they fill you up with all kinds of magnificent phytonutrients and vitamins and minerals. That’s because leaves contain a rainbow of yellows, oranges and reds hidden inside the greens. Plus they make you feel so good when you eat them. Continue reading

It’s Not Really Health Care

Everyone has a lot going on this week, so I’m going to keep it short and sweet.

There continues to be a lot of talk about why measures of obesity and infant mortality are so high in the U.S. relative to other Western countries. These kinds of measures are commonly employed to assess the overall health of a population. As a country, the U.S. spends significantly more for medical care. Why, then, does it not translate into improved health outcomes? Continue reading

Thyme for Some Sage Advice

The holidays are a particularly meaningful time to think about the most valuable gifts that we receive. I’m talking about the words of wisdom that are passed along from one generation to the next. Around the holidays, a few years ago, a few of my friends from work got talking about our grandmothers’ old-fashioned expressions, beliefs, and bits of sage advice. You may think these expressions are quaint and old-fashioned, but they are really much more. These sayings are the collective wisdom of our ancestors, the survivors. Here are a few of the ones for which I am most grateful. Continue reading

YOUR HEALTHY PLATE: Glazed & Braised Onions

Sometimes, especially around the holidays, more than one family member stops at the supermarket to pick up a few things before heading home at the end of the work day. Sometimes, unbeknownst to one another, each family member picks up precisely the same item, and then that’s how you end up with three large bags of onions. And sometimes the kitchen counter fills up with a number of mostly empty bottles of wine. Here’s what to do when this happens to you. Continue reading