Can You Slow Your Rate of Aging? by Guest Writer Gary Miceli

Dear readers:

Recently I received an email from Gary Miceli, a health writer with a story of his own to tell. I hope that he will return in the future to share that story, as I believe you will find it inspiring. I am happy to share with you today his thoughts on aging. Have a good weekend, and I’ll see you Sunday!  –Dr. Roxanne Sukol


If you have read a science magazine, been to a health website or even checked out articles in the popular press, you know that human aging is a hot topic. So what is aging? Aging is the consequence of inevitable molecular and cellular changes to the structure and composition of the body. These are consequences of normal metabolism and operation.  Continue reading

I’ve Got a Whole Lot Going On

Hi all: This week is going to be short and sweet.

I retired this past week from clinical practice. What’s next? Lots of rest and relaxation until I can say I’ve caught up on my sleep. Long overdue. The truth is that I’ve been sleep deprived since college. Enough is enough.

I will still be writing the blog, and have added a monthly column at the Cleveland Jewish News. When I am ready, I’m going to pick up my book again and work on seeing it through to the end.

A few weeks ago I was interviewed by CNN about my thoughts on New Years’ Resolutions, and you can check that out here.

Lastly, I was totally blown away by all the comments, encouragement, kindness, and generosity of last week’s readers and for that and more I thank you very, very much. Wow. I’m still reeling over what each of you said.

I wish you all a happy and healthy new year, and will look forward to catching up next week.

A Monthly Column

A few months ago I was approached with a lovely proposal.

Would I like to author a new monthly column on health and wellness for the Cleveland Jewish News? You bet I would! I am thrilled to be able to share these with you today.

I’ve included links to the first two columns below, and I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed writing them! They are not meant to take the place of YHIOYP. I’ll keep writing this blog just as I always have.

The first column is entitled Real Food Nourishes; Manufactured Calories Entertain.

The second is Developing [a] Firm Foundation: Three Pillars of Wellness.

The next one will be out the second week of January! Til next time, stay well!