Last year, an article entitled “Can We Say What Diet is Best for Health?” was published in the scientific literature, and James Hamblin wrote a story about it for the Atlantic. He called it “Science Compared Every Diet, and the Winner is Real Food.” You know, I would have edited out the word “Real” and then called it, simply, “Food.” The original article was written by David Katz and Stephanie Meller, of Yale School of Public Health. Continue reading
Category Archives: Eggs
Breakfasts for Kids and Their Loving Parents
I was talking with a dear friend who teaches in the younger grades at a small school north of Detroit. “The kids are bouncing off the walls by 9:30,” my friend says, and I think to myself that maybe their blood sugars are starting to fall. Nine-thirty in the morning is pretty early. He says that a snack often helps. Yup — it very well may be their blood sugars. Continue reading
YOUR HEALTHY PLATE: Black Bean Brownies
Definitely on a roll here with desserts (especially brownies)! It happens.
I am a huge fan of black-bean brownies. I owe this to two facts: First, I am a big fan of beans. And secondly, I love brownies. So there you have it. In case you are wondering, the beans in this recipe cannot be tasted at all, so feel free to make this for children and skeptics. They will NEVER know, unless you tell. Continue reading
Here’s Your Approach!
It suddenly occurred to me this week, right out of the blue, that stepping into the driver’s seat (and applying our understanding of the differences between real food and manufactured calories) looks different for each of the three major macronutrients: carbohydrate, protein, fat. The strategy for each is slightly different. Now, if you’re new to this, then it’s perfectly reasonable to try one at a time and, without a single second’s hesitation, I would start with carbohydrates. Continue reading
YOUR HEALTHY PLATE: Scrambled Eggs and Broccoli
After the requisite amount of hemming and hawwing, I picked up a copy of Mark Bittman’s How to Cook Everything as a shower gift for our young cousin and his beaming Australian bride-to-be. When they opened it, he quipped “Well, we won’t be needing any other cookbooks.” True dat! Try this broccoli beauty for starters. Or dinner. Continue reading