I’ve Got a Whole Lot Going On

Hi all: This week is going to be short and sweet.

I retired this past week from clinical practice. What’s next? Lots of rest and relaxation until I can say I’ve caught up on my sleep. Long overdue. The truth is that I’ve been sleep deprived since college. Enough is enough.

I will still be writing the blog, and have added a monthly column at the Cleveland Jewish News. When I am ready, I’m going to pick up my book again and work on seeing it through to the end.

A few weeks ago I was interviewed by CNN about my thoughts on New Years’ Resolutions, and you can check that out here.

Lastly, I was totally blown away by all the comments, encouragement, kindness, and generosity of last week’s readers and for that and more I thank you very, very much. Wow. I’m still reeling over what each of you said.

I wish you all a happy and healthy new year, and will look forward to catching up next week.

Basics of Kindness & Self Care

It’s been a long time since I went back to the basics, but a letter this week from a reader in Missouri prompted me to think again about the basics. He asked specifically about fat, carbohydrate, and protein. I will get to what he said in a minute, but before I talk about food I would first like to talk about wellness. Continue reading

Meditation is My Happy Place

Last week I said a few words about my own meditation practice, how I started with an approach that I call one-minute meditation, and how I had no idea where it might lead. I just knew that I liked listening to what regulator meditators said about their own experiences. So I thought I would try it out. One-minute meditation is just what it sounds like. It’s great for starters. It’s hardly much of a commitment. I mean, it’s one minute. You won’t be late for the sake of a single minute. Continue reading

Your Health is Where You Want it to Be

Good morning, and happy Sunday! I want to tell you about a conversation I had with a patient this week. She was someone I’d never met before, and, like many before her, she was absolutely flummoxed about what to try next. She had already done everything she could think of to lose weight. I think you know this story. I’ve told it many times before, and you may even have experienced it yourself. Maybe you’ve been on practically every diet, eaten cabbage soup, denied yourself your favorite foods, carved out time you didn’t really have to get more exercise than was comfortable at the time. Of course none of this was sustainable. You can’t eat cabbage soup for breakfast forever. So what’s next? Next comes balance. Continue reading

Sometimes You’ve Gotta Go Slow

A while back I learned that race car drivers have a saying: “Sometimes you’ve gotta go slow to go fast.” If you want to shave seconds off your time, in other words, you need to slow down as you head into the curve. If you want to keep up, sometimes you need to back off a little. It’s especially true right now. We can see the light at the end of the tunnel, but we’re actually headed into the roughest part of the pandemic. I had no idea that this whole year was just a dress rehearsal for the real thing. Continue reading

Set an Intention

These are not easy days, to say the least. But one thing that really helps me is to start each day by setting an intention.

What does that mean? Well, I might say to myself, “Today, I will take a few deep breaths.” Or, “I will keep my eyes on the road.” Or, “I will be kind to myself.” Intentions can be abstract or concrete. They can help you study, close your eyes, or stretch your arms to the ceiling a couple of times a day. They can let you stay in bed, ask for a back rub, take a long bath. Intentions are multi-purpose, which is an essential part of their charm. I weave them into the fabric of my days, and they make my weeks more interesting, resilient, even productive. The possibilities are endless. Continue reading

Take Care of Yourselves, My Friends

This is not an easy time, no matter how much time you have, but we can all make a moment, or take a turn to take better care of ourselves. In hopes that we will have more moments to show up as our best version of our best self, or that we will have a little bit of ourselves to share with those, young and old, who might need them, a tiny bit of self-love goes a long, long way. Time is the ultimate resource, and no one gets more or less. Each day you get twenty-four hours, the same as everyone. You can’t create more out of thin air. But there is some very hopeful news to share.  Continue reading

Making Synergy: Health & Wellness

A special synergy comes from investing in three different kinds of activities that combine to improve your health and wellness: eating patterns, activity patterns, and rest & relaxation patterns. Activities that combine more than one at the same time — like gardening, picnics, or yoga, to name just a few — bring an extra special benefit. Here are a few examples of ways I have found to mix and match eating, moving, and relaxing. Continue reading

Late Summer Moments

As the summer has been winding into fall, these past few weeks have been filled with many moments of the exceptional-yet-ordinary variety. These were moments of crystalline clarity, when nothing existed except for what was right there on the table: the food, people talking and listening, glass, cloth, pottery, and metal. The air sparkled faintly with a transcendent sense of space that was minute and endless at the same time, inconsequential and all-encompassing at once. And I loved it. Consumed in and by it, I loved it. Continue reading