Milestone Celebration: Your Favorite Posts

This weekend Your Health is on Your Plate passed 100,000 hits! Just two years old, the blog is being shared far and wide, across the country and around the globe. To celebrate, dear reader, I am sharing your 10 most popular posts. New readers, here is your chance to catch up with all the best posts and to share them with your friends and family. It’s not too late, in fact, it’s never too late.

So, drumroll please, your favorite choices for best blog post (in no particular order) are:

That’s not all.  I’m sharing my own favorite posts as well: Maybe you’ll discover something that speaks to you, or explains something you’ve been wondering about, or brings it all together, or raises the MOST important question you’ve ever thought of, in which case I hope you’ll send me that question immediately, so that I can think about it and respond as best I can.

By the way, if it already appears in your list above, I am not including it in my list.

Again in no particular order, a few of my own favorites for Best Post are:

Finally, speaking of favorites, many thanks to all of you for the great recipes that continue to come our way, and thank you for reading YHIOYP.