The Art & Science of Magical Fruit

On the occasion of my ninth birthday, half a lifetime ago, my beloved Uncle Lenny gave me a book called The Human Body, which still has a place on the shelves that hold my important books. I called it “The Body Book,” and carried it everywhere I went until I had memorized everything in it, cover to cover. I was fascinated not only by the descriptions and illustrations, but also by the idea that each part of the body was uniquely designed to do exactly what was required of it. Form followed function, and I couldn’t get enough. That, parenthetically, was also the year I decided I was, someday, going to become a doctor.

When I left for college years later, there was no question what I would study. Form followed function: A girl who is interested in how the body works studies biology and, more specifically, physiology. I took every single physiology course offered at my university, including cell, human, animal, abnormal, and more. I was absolutely fascinated by how everything fit together and worked in such a spectacular and elegant way. Kidney, heart, liver, muscle, brain. And, as if that wasn’t enough, I was also spellbound by the realization that gaining insight into how and why things go wrong helps us to understand better how and when things work right.

As much as I loved the science, and I really did, it was the design that drew me in so deeply. Everywhere I looked, form followed function. I was transfixed.

I discovered the words of the architect Louis Sullivan [a teacher of Frank Lloyd Wright]: “It is the pervading law…of all true manifestations of the head, of the heart, of the soul, that life is recognizable in its expression, that form ever follows function.” From the time I was young, I recognized that science had engaged my mind, but it was not until later that I understood how the art of science had captured my heart.

And the connection with magical fruit…?

Long before homo sapiens understood enough chemistry to know that there is something uniquely nourishing about beans — namely that they are rich in both fiber and protein simultaneously—, humans already knew that there was something special about them. You don’t need formal training in cardiology to know that beans are good for your heart; as any child can tell you, most of us know that by the time we’re in the second grade!

Certain truths are apparent long before we understand the science inside them. The artistic expression of these truths dates back centuries at least. In story and song, poetry and prose, the value of beans is made clear. Jack and the Beanstalk is not the only example; the literary traditions of many cultures tell tales about the magical properties of beans. Which means that we have been aware of this connection for a very long time. The reason is clear to me: Beans are a nourishing and valuable foodstuff. So eat your beans at every meal.

“Beans, beans, they’re good for your heart, the more you eat, the more you fart.
The more you fart, the better you feel, so eat your beans at every meal.
Beans, beans the musical fruit, the more you eat, the more you toot.
The more you toot, the better you feel, so eat your beans at every meal.”

More Disturbing News About Ultraprocessed Products

Almost three-quarters of packaged consumables sold in the United States are ultraprocessed. The vast majority of ultraprocessed packaged products for sale in the supermarket are placed in the center aisles. They comprise most of the menus at chain restaurants including, but not limited to, drive-through and “fast-food” establishments. At this point, they may safely be said to have edged out consumption of nourishing food in the United States.  Continue reading

Whole, Intact Carbohydrates

I’ve been thinking about the fact that carbohydrate virtually never grows in nature without the fiber attached. Think about meadows, gardens, and orchards — all the vegetables, beans, fruit, and grains that grow in these places grow with their fiber matrix intact.

Why is flour that’s been stripped of its fiber and germ called “refined?” What’s refined about flour? If you look up “refined” in the dictionary you discover that to refine is to remove the course impurities. And that got me thinking.

Why would anyone want to imply that the oil-rich germ and fiber-rich bran are coarse impurities? Continue reading

What’s the Best Way to Eat?

An article entitled Can We Say What Diet is Best for Health? by David Katz and Stephanie Meller, from Yale’s School of Public Health, was published in the Annual Review of Public Health a few years ago. A story about the article was published in the Atlantic by James Hamblin, who called it Science Compared Every Diet, and the Winner is Real Food. I would have edited out the word “Real” and simply called it “Food.” Then I might have presented a review of the differences between Food (With a Capital F) and manufactured calories. Continue reading


If you’ve never eaten chickpea (garbanzo bean) flour, this is a great recipe to start with! Not only is it super flavorful, imparting a wonderfully nutty flavor to these zucchini fries, but chickpeas are also packed with protein and fiber, for a dish that sticks to your ribs and makes your heart sing for joy. Continue reading

YOUR HEALTHY PLATE: Spicy Black Bean Soup

I’m trying to get you to eat more beans, in case you can’t tell. Peasant food, rustic. Old-fashioned. From the old country. Why did they eat so many beans? Beans are the only food on the planet that’s rich in both fiber and protein. This makes them very special, filling, nutritious. And inexpensive. So eat your beans! Thank you to Mark Bittman, and How to Cook Everything Fast, for the original version of this recipe. If you use canned beans, dinner can be ready in 15 minutes. Continue reading