YOUR HEALTHY PLATE: Anya’s Salmon Soup

I published this recipe once many years ago, and haven’t made it in a long time. But Anya’s salmon soup is the perfect choice for this time of year, and I have all the ingredients I need to make some this week! It’s a beautiful color, exactly right for adding some brightness to your life as you start settling into the deepest part of winter. Also, the combination of ingredients is exactly right for bracing yourself for the coming Arctic temperatures. Continue reading


I posted this recipe once a long time ago, but it’s such an elegant recipe that I wanted to share it again for all my readers who had not yet seen it. Not only is it a warm and beautiful color, perfect for the cold weather, but it is also a wonderful addition to the menu for friends whose celebrations include the custom of eating many different kinds of fish on Christmas Eve. Continue reading

YOUR HEALTHY PLATE: Channah’s Whitefish Soup from Jerusalem

I am back! Inboxes, circadian rhythms, unpacking, and laundry are all emptied, adjusted, and done! It was nothing less than thrilling to meet our new grandson, and to feel the joy of seeing our son and daughter-in-law become parents to their beautiful new baby boy. Our daughter-in-law is a great cook, and I brought home a special recipe of hers. She emphasized that this recipe works with any whitefish available, and you should not feel the need to purchase anything too expensive or special. These are her instructions below, and I’ve underlined the ingredients to make it easier to get organized: Continue reading