Scoop at the Coop: First Eggs! 2025

When our most recent flock of chicks was brand new this past August, we kept them under a heat lamp to maintain their body heat. We were able to wean them from the heat lamp by the time they were about 6 weeks old. But in January, during the recent nationwide cold snap, we made a decision to turn the heat lamp back on. I think it was the low of minus six degrees that did it. 

The girls stayed close together, cuddling and fluffing up their feathers to insulate themselves and conserve energy. I could also see that they were eating more food than usual.  Continue reading

Scoop at the Coop Returns!

About 15 years ago we built a small chicken coop in the backyard, and our first three hens, Hamburgs, were delivered to Cleveland soon after, all the way from my parents’ New Jersey farm. They were followed by a couple of Golden Buffs from a nearby farm in Middlefield, Ohio. 

We enjoyed our hens, their antics, and their eggs, and I told many stories in this blog about them in posts identified with the title “Scoop at the Coop.” After a few years, we expanded the coop to include an area with an overhang plus two long pens. With room for a few more hens, we (and friends) enjoyed an endless supply of gorgeous eggs. Continue reading