Take Care of Yourselves, My Friends

This is not an easy time, no matter how much time you have, but we can all make a moment, or take a turn to take better care of ourselves. In hopes that we will have more moments to show up as our best version of our best self, or that we will have a little bit of ourselves to share with those, young and old, who might need them, a tiny bit of self-love goes a long, long way. Time is the ultimate resource, and no one gets more or less. Each day you get twenty-four hours, the same as everyone. You can’t create more out of thin air. But there is some very hopeful news to share.  Continue reading

Practice Makes Progress: Do the Math

I sometimes imagine that I have a sign in my office, just above the door, that says “Perfection is the enemy of progress.” I am drawn to this idea a lot, especially when I talk with people who are hard on themselves, who discount their own small but sincere efforts as insufficient, or who, sometimes, describe themselves as lazy, incompetent, or unfocused. They are, of course, none of these. If anything, in fact, they are usually exactly the opposite. Hard-working, goal-directed and applied, they tend toward the belief that if they can’t give it their all, there’s no sense even trying. The thing is, that’s not true, not even slightly. Continue reading