I was looking back through old posts, and discovered this one from 2011, eleven years and almost 1000 posts ago. Though I do not remember who gave me this recipe, I do know that it came from someone I was working with at the time.*

I arrived home from work one particular evening to find my daughter frying onions, and I asked her what’s for dinner. “I don’t know,” she said, “this is as far as I’ve gotten.” Her amusing reply put me in mind of a guy named Jeff whom I had met many years prior. He became famous in our family, and remains there to this day, because of something he used to say: “First I fry the onions and garlic, and then I decide what to make for dinner.” And that is what my daughter was doing. Continue reading

YOUR HEALTHY PLATE: Red Lentil Soup for Rosh Hashanah

Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, begins tonight at sundown. High Holiday foods tend toward the sweet and the circular: sweet to represent our wishes for a sweet new year, and circular to symbolize the seasons that run one into the next, round and round, year after year.

So it is traditional to eat many different kinds of fruits, especially apples, prunes, pomegranates, dates and apricots; and sweet vegetables such as beets, carrots, sweet potatoes, and leeks (sliced into rounds, of course), as well as black-eyed peas and lentils. And lots of honey, especially for dipping bread and apples. Continue reading


Two of my kids live thousands of miles away, seven time zones to be precise, in Jerusalem. We talk by phone a lot, and we do our very best to visit whenever we can, pandemic notwithstanding. But it’s far for sure, and one way I keep connected is to allow their cooking to inspire my own. We often touch base on Friday mornings and I love when they tell me what’s on the stove. My daughter-in-law is a fabulous cook, as is my son, and they regularly make magic happen in their kitchen. Last week, with popcorn popping in the background all the way from Jerusalem, I got to hear about the happy reception my son’s very special chocolate-drizzled popcorn had received from friends the previous week. And the split pea soup bubbling on the stove got a quick honorable mention. But that was enough to pique my interest, so I went “shopping” in my own cabinets to see if I had any peas. And I did! I used the crockpot because I love being able to set it and leave, but you can also make this on the stove if you like. It took about 2 minutes to collect all the ingredients and 10 minutes to prep the vegetables, and that’s it. It’s hard to imagine a bigger payoff for such a small investment. Continue reading

YOUR HEALTHY PLATE: Red Lentil Soup for the New Year

This coming Monday evening, as the sun slips below the horizon, we will begin our celebration of Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year. Rosh Hashanah dishes traditionally tend toward the sweet and the circular: sweet for a sweet new year, and circular to represent the seasons that run one into the next, year after year, around and around. Instead of the usual braid, even challah is twisted into rounds at this time of year.  Continue reading

YOUR HEALTHY PLATE: Cucumber Gazpacho

This is the time of year for gazpacho, so get ready! I’m going to post some of my favorite traditional tomato gazpacho recipes in the coming weeks, but we’re starting with something a little different — cucumber gazpacho. Salad in a soup. I made a slightly different version of this gazpacho last night, and the avocado gave it a super creamy texture. Such a great way to get your veggies, to start your day with leftover gazpacho for a slightly unorthodox breakfast, and to fill your waiting belly with a pile of phytonutrients! Continue reading


Let’s say you have no get-up-and-go. Let’s say you did, but you used it all up dealing with your boss, your kids, your spouse, your self, your neighbor, your coworker, or your pandemic. Then let’s say that it’s dinnertime and you wish you had it in you to throw together something more nourishing than breakfast cereal or potato chips, but you don’t. What follows is a great recipe for when that day comes. Continue reading

YOUR HEALTHY PLATE: White Bean + Celery Salad with Bonus Recipe for Potato-Celery Soup

You know that feeling when you have no idea what to make, and you look in the refrigerator hoping to be inspired by what you see? This past week I found a huge bunch of celery* from my kids’ weekly CSA (community supported agriculture) box, which they receive year-round in Jerusalem. Celery is in season right now, so I decided that this salad would be a good choice. Notice all the colors and textures that make this dish so pretty and so crunchy.  Continue reading


In honor of the new Vitamix recently delivered to the home of my son-in-law and daughter, I decided to post one of the most inspired and creative cold soup recipes that I’ve ever seen. I’ve been holding onto this one for a long while for just such an occasion as this.

If you’re bummed because you have most, but not all, of the ingredients in this recipe, as long as you have a ripe avocado I would just go for it. And the garnishes are strictly optional. Avocado soup is total delicious goodness. And if, after recent months, you’re looking for something really satisfying in a cozy, winter lockdown kind of way, but that doesn’t include sugar in the ingredient list, this is a great choice. Maybe it’s the nourishing fats from the avocado, or the heat from the jalapeño, but it’s gonna warm you from the inside out and you’ll be really glad you made it.

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Complementary Colors: Nourishing Yourself from the Inside Out (with recipe)

One thing you may not know about me is that one of my casual hobbies is interior decorating. I’ve picked out paint colors for my friends, rearranged their furniture, and weighed in on frame choices, picture positioning, and all kinds of related activities. Have you ever heard of decorating with complementary colors? Have you ever even heard of complementary colors? It’s when you choose two colors from opposite sides of the color wheel, like purple and yellow, orange and blue, or red and green. They usually clash just a little bit, which confers added visual interest. Here are some examples: A pink pillow that makes a pale green couch really SING! Or a wrapped bunch of lavender stalks in a pale yellow vase on a lemon-yellow tablecloth strewn with tiny purple violets. Or a ceramic bowl painted in stripes of turquoise and orange. And that brings me to sweet potatoes and kale. Continue reading

YOUR HEALTHY PLATE: Greek Lentil and White Bean Soup with Gremolata

This recipe comes to us courtesy of Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, which has all kinds of great nutrition information for doctors, medical students, scientists, and everyone else who is interested in learning to cook great food with lots of flavor! This recipe caught my eye because I love gremolata! It’s guaranteed to give this soup tons of deliciousness. Continue reading