Take Care of Yourselves, My Friends

This is not an easy time, no matter how much time you have, but we can all make a moment, or take a turn to take better care of ourselves. In hopes that we will have more moments to show up as our best version of our best self, or that we will have a little bit of ourselves to share with those, young and old, who might need them, a tiny bit of self-love goes a long, long way. Time is the ultimate resource, and no one gets more or less. Each day you get twenty-four hours, the same as everyone. You can’t create more out of thin air. But there is some very hopeful news to share. 

First, you don’t have to do this perfectly, just better. Practice makes progress; perfection is the enemy of progress.

Next, with a little creative problem solving, there is an excellent chance that you can figure out how to tuck a personal kindness into one or two things you already do. Take a look down this list, and see if just one or two speak to you. You might come up with a few of your own, in which case I hope you will share them below in the comments.

Buy more fresh fruit or vegetables when you go food shopping.

Dance with your children after dinner for a minute.

Do the twist while you wait for the microwave.

Close your eyes and take a deep breath before you stand up, or drive to work, or hit reply.

Be the parent that you, yourself, needed.

If you don’t know what to do, stay still.

When your head hits the pillow tonight, name two or three things for which you are grateful.

Think about what it means not just to nourish your body but to nourish your soul. What will it take?

Pet the dog.

Squeeze out a Kegel every time your phone rings (good for men AND women, btw).

“In the beginning, and in the end, you are the only one who can give your family a happy mother who loves her life.”**

There isn’t a long line of folks out there who’ve got your own health and happiness at the top of their priority list. You are it. No one else. Take a second and make it real.

**Endless thanks to my friend, Melissa, whose own happy statement of this sentiment inspired mine.

6 thoughts on “Take Care of Yourselves, My Friends

  1. Call a friend or family member to let them know you love them.

    Be gracious to others during this time who seem to lack patience for little or even big things.

  2. I love these thoughts! Send real handwritten notes to friends and family. Always a joy to receive ❤️

    • Lovely! I really appreciate that suggestion. There’s nothing like finding a hand-written (and addressed) envelope in the mailbox! thank you 🙂

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