YOUR HEALTHY PLATE: Randi’s Sunshine Salad

I just spent a few days with my dear friend Randi. A long time ago, we grew up together on Long Island. She and her husband, Larry, keep a fantastic garden in which they plant all kinds of specialty veggies. Randi is an amazing and creative cook, and if you don’t believe me, just take a quick peak at this little gem that she whipped up once upon a time.

6 zebra beets (substitute red if you can’t get the zebra beets)
fruit from 4 mandarin oranges (equivalent to 1 small can)
4 oz. goat cheese (substitute vegan goat or feta cheese if you prefer)
1/2 cup walnuts, halved
3 T. orange-balsamic vinegar (from Trader Joe’s)*
Roast or grill the beets, and set aside to cool. Mix together the oranges and vinegar.
Peel the beets, and slice into 1/4-inch slices. Spread onto a large plate.
Cover the beets with the marinated oranges, and place the walnuts and goat cheese on top.  Serves 4-6.
*[If you can’t find this vinegar at Trader Joe’s, you can get a similar flavor by squeezing the juice of half an orange into 2 tablespoons of white balsamic vinegar.]

2 thoughts on “YOUR HEALTHY PLATE: Randi’s Sunshine Salad

  1. A refreshing and nutritious dish that’s perfect for any meal. Thanks for sharing this delightful recipe—we’re excited to add it to our healthy eating routine and enjoy its vibrant flavors!

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