Here’s Your Approach!

It suddenly occurred to me this week, right out of the blue, that stepping into the driver’s seat (and applying our understanding of the differences between real food and manufactured calories) looks different for each of the three major macronutrients: carbohydrate, protein, fat. The strategy for each is slightly different. Now, if you’re new to this, then it’s perfectly reasonable to try one at a time and, without a single second’s hesitation, I would start with carbohydrates. Continue reading

Potatoes, Horseradish, and Other Gifts from the Compost Pile

A few years ago, when winter was coming to an end and spring was still soggy and cold, I discovered a lone organic* potato in my kitchen. It is important to specify organic here because conventionally grown potatoes are much less likely to root and generate offspring. It was dried out, wrinkly, and way past edible.  At least six baby roots were beginning to form on the skin.  I decided to try an experiment. I cut that potato into six small chunks, each containing a single rootlet. I dug a trench in the garden on the far side of my backyard, and dropped the pieces into the trench, about 1 foot apart. I covered them with dirt and waited. A few weeks later, when potato buds began to push up through the mud, I covered them with more dirt and waited again.  I kept covering the buds until I forgot about them completely, distracted as I was by other projects. Later that summer, I found a group of straggly potato plants on the far side of the backyard, and when I finally got around to digging up those potato plants, I discovered many beautiful, golden-skinned, new potatoes, perfect in every way. Continue reading

YOUR HEALTHY PLATE: Black-Bean Quinoa Salad

Take this fresh, crunchy crock of BIG FLAVOR  to a spring potluck, or serve it to friends at a celebratory luncheon, or pack a bowl for lunch at work, or fill up a large, colorful pottery bowl for the middle of the dinner table, along with a big bowl of tomato soup. Yes, it has a lot of ingredients, but that’s how you make the magic. You cannot go wrong with quinoa, and you cannot go wrong with this meal-in-one. I’m also sure you’ll be glad to know that it will keep in the fridge for a few days. You can make it as simply (canned beans, quinoa pre-made, store-bought lime juice) or as involved (heirloom beans, red quinoa, organic limes) as you like. It’ll be delicious either way — promise! Continue reading