YOUR HEALTHY PLATE: Vegan Cholent (Crockpot Stew)

A happy reprise of my seasonal fall cholent recipe, from when my dad was still here to enjoy it with us:

This past week, I made a version of this recipe for the first night of Sukkot, the fall harvest festival, and we ate it inside our beautiful sukkah that my husband built last week. It warmed us from the inside out in the chilly weather. And then it was gone, I mean really GONE, just a few hours later. Even my father, who said “I don’t like cholent,” ate a huge bowlful and said he changed his mind. Please make a note of that. Continue reading

The Menu from Bookclub Earlier this Week

This week we had bookclub at my house. I’ve written about bookclub before, and about the incredibly delicious dishes that people bring to share with one other. There’s never a plan, never been a plan, so once in a great while we have ended up with a couple bottles of Prosecco, salad, and two desserts. On the other hand, you are often likely to find grilled salmon, white bean salad, guacamole, green salad, grapefruit, and roasted olives with lemon rind. Everybody shares something. You just never know.  Continue reading

YOUR HEALTHY PLATE: Bob’s Red Mill Quinoa Salad

You may or may not have heard, but last month, on February 10th, Bob Moore, a founder of Bob’s Red Mill Natural Foods, passed away at the age of 94. And I felt the need to write a post about this man who made such a remarkable difference in our food supply. Continue reading

YOUR HEALTHY PLATE: Judith’s Avocado-Chickpea Dip

My friend Judith, a number of whose remarkable, inspired recipes have appeared in these pages, has brought us yet another! She calls this one her “newest obsession.” It comes to her from a beloved family member who made it for her on the occasion of a recent visit. She described it to me over breakfast last week, and I could practically taste it as her words came rolling across the table —  Continue reading