Returning to the Beginning: Two Core Messages

Today I want to focus on two of the core messages to which I continue to return time and time again: First, there is an enormous difference between real food and manufactured calories. And, second, as we have been discussing at length in recent weeks, manufactured calories have been associated with an epidemic of chronic diseases, including not only diabetes, coronary artery disease, and obesity, but also depression, dementia, and other brain diseases. Continue reading

Earning Your Grain

If you read this blog regularly, then you know that I love words as much as I love food. You might know that I love words so much that when I was little, instead of collecting birds’ nets or dolls or board games like my friends, I collected homonyms. I made lists of rhyming names for twins, triplets, quintuplets. Think Chloe, Joey, and Zoe. Or Harry, Cari, Barry, Gary, and Larry. I wrote everything down in a spiral notebook that I kept on my bedside table. Continue reading