Gratitude and Wisdom

When I was eleven years old, my parents, always “early adopters” of the latest technology long before this kind of thing had a name, bought a brand new stove with a smooth white ceramic top. It was called a Corning Cooktop, and its most memorable feature, at least to me, was that its elements remained white even when they were hot enough to boil water. Was it really that hot? You had to take it on faith — or not. No matter how long I stared at it, I could not convince myself that the white ceramic stovetop was hot. And that is why I still remember, all these many years later, the perfectly oval burn on the tip of my right index finger. I only touched that hot stove once, but that was all it took. I did not cry, even though it hurt a lot. I just stared and stared. I could not take anyone else’s word for it; I needed to see for myself. As a matter of fact, I didn’t even tell anyone in my family. I just needed to know.

And that’s how it had to be. It’s the way of the world. Sometimes you have to experience the consequences of your actions in order to really understand. You can’t take anyone else’s word for it. You have to find out for yourself. 

I thought this might be a good week to think about bounty, gifts, and consequences. 

A number of years ago, I had a conversation with a few friends from work about our grandmothers’ expressions, beliefs, and other sage advice. We were wondering whether these old-fashioned expressions had outlived their usefulness. They had not. As relevant as ever, they represented the collective wisdom of our ancestors who were perhaps just a bit healthier, a bit more resilient and, then, a bit luckier, with maybe a tiny survival advantage when a virulent epidemic came roaring through their town or village. 

These words of wisdom aren’t just words; they are our inheritance, our bounty, our gifts. 

Go play outside.
This is a good reminder for kids as well as adults. I used to know a local family practice doctor who regularly posted reminders to patients to go outside and get some sun, even in cold weather. I live in Northeast Ohio, and, despite our grumbling, there are probably only about a dozen or so days a year that you REALLY cannot walk outside. That’s because it’s not really about the weather; it’s about the clothes. Many families post pictures of their games of kickball out in the yard before Thanksgiving dinner, or their neighborhood Turkey Trot. I like doing yoga early Thursday morning (indoors) before all the excitement starts up in the kitchen. Let’s call that my compromise position. 

Eat your vegetables.
Now isn’t that the truth? The more we learn about nourishing phytonutrients, antioxidant power, and fiber, the wiser these words become. Don’t forget that spices (like cumin, cinnamon, turmeric, and paprika) and herbs (like parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme) are also powerhouses of nutrition. Remember what Michael Pollan says, “Eat food. Mostly plants. Not too much.” And then don’t worry about it for one day.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
Breakfast is my favorite, too. What a difference it makes to walk out the door in the morning with a bellyful of something nourishing to jumpstart my day. You probably know already that one of my favorite breakfasts is a sweet potato with a generous spoonful of peanut butter melting in. But I also like salmon, scrambled eggs, and leftovers of just about any kind, like squash with tahini, stir-fried tofu and snap peas, tomato soup, avocado toast, pasta with pesto, or a gazillion other goodies. 

Chew your food slowly.
The more slowly you eat, the more time you have to appreciate the fact of food on your plate. And the taste of that food. And what it took to get that food to your kitchen table. Not to mention the fact that it takes a while, like 20 minutes, for your brain to receive the message from your stomach that you’ve had enough.  

Use it or lose it.
Your body was designed to move. Whoever coined the phrase “Sitting is the new smoking” has read the research showing that remaining still in a chair all day, whether at home or work, is terrible for your heart. Whose idea was it to decrease the amount of gym and recess children get at school? Definitely not mine.

Every day needs some down time.
Whether you like yoga, meditation, massage, prayer, reading, knitting, hiking, fishing, tossing a ball (with a puppy or a child), pottery class, aquarium watching, sailing, woodworking, classical music, or pedicures, you must make a little time to do something you love. Figure out what floats your boat. What makes your socks go up and down? What makes your world turn? It’s not optional. It grounds you in the world. It makes you the best you that you can be. We’re not human doings; we’re human beings. Somewhere along the way, we all started pressing our gas pedals all the way to the ground, all the time, even though you know you don’t get your best mileage with your engine racing. Give yourself permission to hop off the rails now and then. 

The more colors on your plate, the better.
My mom always said this. Eat the rainbow. Each different color represents a different phytonutrient. Phytonutrients are like building blocks for all the different kinds of tissues in your body. The more different colors you eat, the more different shapes and sizes of building materials you have to optimize your health, healing, and overall function. See “Eat your vegetables” above.

You need to work it, honey.
Think of these ideas as gifts from your ancestors. It’s good to read these words, but that’s only half the equation. The reading is the gift; the doing expresses your gratitude. Together, they constitute their value to your health and wellness. Remember: You don’t have to do it perfectly, you just want to take the first step. 

4 thoughts on “Gratitude and Wisdom

  1. A comment to the last sentence ending in “take the first step.” A formula for success has always been to start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.

  2. Good advice for people in every age group. This isn’t an excuse, but old age puts a damper on the kinds of physical activities we can still do. Becoming a geriatric statistic even curtails the amount of time we can safely spend doing something as benign as walking.
    And frequently, it’s just a matter of getting up from a chair or the couch, to get started. But, it’s true, the effort to get “physical” every day is beneficial. I feel fantastic after I do even a little bit of physical exertion. It’s the initial push and pull to stand up and get moving, that’s the hardest thing to do every day. The generalized feeling of fatigue, stiff and sore joints and malaise is a tough obstacle to dodge every morning. Sometimes the magic works…and sometimes it don’t.

    • Yes, absolutely. One suggestion would be to feel free to exercise while you remain seated on those days that it’s hard to get up! You can do ankle circles, isometrics, range of motion movements for your neck, wrists, and shoulders, and plenty more! Thank you for reading YHIOYP 🙂

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