Garlic Scapes

Since I’ve been hanging out in Jerusalem with my kids, I’ve had a chance to enjoy the huge CSA (community supported agriculture) boxes that arrive regularly to their front door. This past week they received what Israelis call “green garlic,” and they enjoyed using it in salads like they use green onions, but otherwise weren’t sure what it was or where it came from. So I thought it might be nice to talk about green garlic, also known as “garlic scapes.” Garlic and the entire family of Allium relatives (leeks, chives, scallions, onions) begin their underground lives as soft bulbs. As the bulbs begin to harden, a shoot rises up, breaks through the soil to the air, and curls above ground. This shoot, or flower stalk, is called the scape, and it supposedly appears on only the finest hardneck varieties of garlic. Continue reading

YOUR HEALTHY PLATE: White Bean + Celery Salad with Bonus Recipe for Potato-Celery Soup

You know that feeling when you have no idea what to make, and you look in the refrigerator hoping to be inspired by what you see? This past week I found a huge bunch of celery* from my kids’ weekly CSA (community supported agriculture) box, which they receive year-round in Jerusalem. Celery is in season right now, so I decided that this salad would be a good choice. Notice all the colors and textures that make this dish so pretty and so crunchy.  Continue reading

YOUR HEALTHY PLATE: A Week of Menus and Recipes

I suppose it was inevitable, but last week I entered quarantine in a small apartment in Jerusalem for up to two weeks. Purely a precaution, no worries. Plus, there’s a balcony. And sunshine and wifi, so I am totally fine. Continue reading

YOUR HEALTHY PLATE: Vegan Cholent (Crockpot Stew)

Last weekend, I made this recipe for the first day of Sukkot, the fall harvest festival, and we ate it inside our beautiful sukkah that my husband built last week. It warmed us from the inside out in the chilly 50 degree weather. And then it was gone, I mean really GONE, just a few hours later. Even my father, who said “I don’t like cholent,” ate a huge bowlful and said he changed his mind. Please make a note of that. Continue reading

YOUR HEALTHY PLATE: Rustic Zucchini & Tomatoes

A very long time ago, I spent an exhilarating and exhausting day working up an appetite climbing inside the Giza Pyramids in Egypt. Later that night, I ate a dish just like this in a busy restaurant in Cairo. My memories of that meal are layered through with the sounds of noisy waiters running between the kitchen and the small round tables, clanging pots, joyful patrons, and the smart smack of pottery plates, all while dozens of cats walking silently above us on the beams of the restaurant’s ceiling. If you’ve been gardening this summer, or if you’re friends with someone else who has, there’s a good chance that you already have what you need to make this recipe. Continue reading


Here’s something you can make that will elevate absolutely everything from just good enough to supremely good enough. Spoon it onto your eggs (whether fried, scrambled, poached, or boiled), spread it around on toast, or drizzle some on your salad, pasta, cheese, tofu, chicken or salmon. Or you can eat it straight from the spoon. Basically, anything goes, and it will stay fresh in your refrigerator for a few days at least. If you don’t feel like grating a lemon, don’t worry about it. If you have a different kind of hot pepper, fine. It will still be delicious. I’m trying to keep this easy. Continue reading

YOUR HEALTHY PLATE: Parsley Salad(s)!

There is an incredibly warm and cozy spot in my heart where the parsley goes. Parsley doesn’t usually get you riled up the same way that basil, thyme, and oregano do, but, if you ask me, it is absolutely its own kind of wonderful. What’s different about these recipes is that the parsley here serves as the green, the herb, the main event, the everything. It’s not a decoration or an herbal sprinkle or a garnish, it’s just the parsley, and it’s definitely meant to be eaten this way. No competition, no second fiddle. Continue reading

YOUR HEALTHY PLATE: Roasted Cauliflower with Tahini Dressing

The new normal has resulted in a number of changes in the way we purchase all kinds of things, and I thought I’d share a great new strategy (with recipe!) that my daughter taught to me a few weeks ago. Initially, in the first weeks of lockdown, she and my new son-in-law were placing orders for grocery deliveries about once a week. But, after a few weeks, they hit upon a strategy that cut the frequency of their orders by half. Continue reading

Early Spring’s Surprise

During the growing season, I have a few trusted sources for vegetables. Sometimes my husband buys them at the supermarket, sometimes we get them from the garden growing alongside my house, and sometimes we pick up a box of CSA (community-supported agriculture) vegetables. One thing I love about the CSA option is the surprise factor. There’s nothing like opening a box to discover something either I’ve never seen before, or whose name I don’t know, or that I would not otherwise have purchased. I have always felt like this, even before finding recipes was as simple as entering the name of an unfamiliar ingredient into a search bar and tapping “Enter.” Continue reading

YOUR HEALTHY PLATE: Simple Lovely Lentil Soup

Partly because we were in the middle of a snowstorm, and partly because we were having lots of company for dinner last Friday evening, I decided that I wanted to come home from work to a lovely pot of soup to get things started. 

But, as usual, I didn’t have a lot of time to get everything organized Friday morning, so I decided to see how simple I could make it and still end up with something worth sharing (and eating!). Basically the only work was chopping the potatoes and onion, which you could even get ready the night before, theoretically, if you wanted to get ready even faster. Here’s what I did:  Continue reading