YOUR HEALTHY PLATE: Red Cabbage Salad With A Buzz

It’s a red-green party, lunch for a week with spicy, crunchy, sour power! Make some for you, or your gang, or your office potluck! When I saw this recipe I knew it was for me. Generally speaking, cabbage is one of those foods that is very underrated — especially the red kind. Continue reading

YOUR HEALTHY PLATE: Watercress-Grapefruit Salad

Make yourself this sweet little salad, just for you or just for two. It’s an exotic bunch of ingredients, so it’s unlikely that you will have all these ingredients in your kitchen when you’re ready to put it together. And it will probably help to take the recipe with you when you go to the grocery store to collect your ingredients. But here’s a trick: you can make this salad two different ways, one easier and the other more involved. Buy all the ingredients for the fancier version, or skip over the [bracketed ones] for a simpler version. Either way, it’ll be [simply] delicious. Continue reading

YOUR HEALTHY PLATE: A Salad for the Holidays

Here’s something lovely for your upcoming holiday celebration, and a great addition to a table filled with so many other wonderful, favorite, traditional and distinctly un-salad-like recipes!

Greens are magic, and they fill you up with all kinds of magnificent phytonutrients and vitamins and minerals. That’s because leaves contain a rainbow of yellows, oranges and reds hidden inside the greens. Plus they make you feel so good when you eat them. Continue reading

YOUR HEALTHY PLATE: Kale Salad Like You’ve Never Imagined

Here’s another fabulous recipe from Sweet Amandine‘s Jessica Fechtor, just in case one wasn’t enough! You will not be sorry. In case you were wondering, kale happens to be one of those cold-weather vegetables that continues to grow even after the first frost. In fact, sometimes it seems like the frost kicks it into high gear. Try this recipe with whatever kale you can get your hands on, whether from the grocery store, or your own garden, or someone else’s. And thank you! to my friend Suze, who stopped by this week with a big bunch of kale from her family’s own prodigious garden. Continue reading

YOUR HEALTHY PLATE: End-of-Vacation Salad

This recipe reminds me of a tiny little funky restaurant that I once stopped in on my way home from southern Florida, headed home to the Great Lakes.

It was so refreshing and delicious to feel the different textures and flavors of this inspired salad in my mouth after having taken the trouble to uncurl myself from the back of an SUV where I’d sat, folded and crumpled, in a tiny little corner under an ever-shifting pile of boxes, suitcases and children, all of us trying hard not to think about the fact that we had come to the end of a long and happy vacation.

We had been driving all day. Maybe we were in Tennessee, or it might have been West Virginia. A college town clearly on break. It was almost sundown and the streets were mostly empty. Continue reading

YOUR HEALTHY PLATE: Best Gazpacho I’ve Ever Made

August means it’s –YES — gazpacho time! I think of gazpacho as soup and salad, both at the same time. Chief Cook-and-Bottle-Washer brought home a tray of golden, acid-free tomatoes last Friday, and (I admit it) I had my coveting eye on them from the minute they entered the house. We ate a few on Friday night, and more on Saturday. Couldn’t resist, so I swooped in on Sunday morning to pulverize the rest! Chief C&BW said it was okay, he would go buy more. Thank you, Chief. Continue reading

YOUR HEALTHY PLATE: Adzuki Sprouts Salad

Why is it that the likelihood of requests for a recipe is usually in direct proportion to the rapidity with which you threw it together!? Last week we had a potluck at work, and I threw together a little “early morning salad.” Don’t judge me!! for having this spectacular constellation of ingredients at hand, just in case, you know, I had to throw together an impressive, last-minute salad! Sometimes the stars just line up. Sometimes, on the other hand, Mercury is in retrograde. Okay, let’s give it a shot. Continue reading

YOUR HEALTHY PLATE: Brussels Sprouts Slaw

When you hear about a recipe for cole slaw, you usually think about cabbage. The “cole” in cole slaw” actually refers to cabbage, and it’s related to the “kohl” in kohlrabi, as well as the “col” in colcannon, that delicious Irish dish of cabbage and potatoes. Like Brussels sprouts, kohlrabi and cabbage are members of the Brassica family of vegetables, also known as crucifers. Continue reading