YOUR HEALTHY PLATE: French Lentil Salad

If you like lentils as much as I do, this simple recipe is probably looking pretty good to you. I would not have thought of mixing a classic dijon vinaigrette with lentils, but it works oh-so-deliciously. These lentils are exactly the kind of thing I love to find in the refrigerator when I don’t know what I’m looking for. To make this recipe easier (pandemic style), feel free to skip the bay leaf, substitute 1/2 tsp. garlic powder for the garlic, and use some kind of halfway decent Italian dressing instead of the olive oil, vinegar, mustard, and spices. Then if you can get yourself or someone else to peel and slice a carrot and onion, the whole recipe will come together. Good enough. Continue reading

Something from Nothing: Gifts from the Compost Pile

Some years ago, when winter was coming to an end and spring was still soggy and cold, I discovered a lone organic potato in my kitchen. I have to specify that it was organic because conventionally grown potatoes are much less likely to root and generate offspring. This sad little potato was dried out, wrinkly, and way past edible. At least six little rootlets were beginning to form on the skin, and so I decided to try an experiment. I cut that little potato into six chunks, each containing a single rootlet. I dug a trench in the garden on the far side of our backyard, and dropped each of the pieces into the trench, about one foot apart. Then I covered them with dirt and waited. Continue reading

Real Food and the End of the Pandemic

For all the years I’ve written this blog I’ve talked a lot about real food, the kind our great-grandparents ate. Food that comes from the ground (or air or water). Unadulterated food, as opposed to “manufactured calories,” or “food-style products.” I’ve heard this idea expressed in different ways, like:
“Eat close to the garden.”
“Eat food that’s been through as few machines as possible.”
“Eat nothing that contains more than four ingredients.”
“Don’t eat anything your great-grandparents wouldn’t have recognized as food.”
“Be wary of foods that never go bad; if the bugs won’t eat it, it’s not food.”

I didn’t actually eat any differently this year, but talking about it on the blog felt like preaching. It’s not that the message was no longer relevant, but that it just didn’t feel nearly as important as usual. The most important message this year was to be kind to yourself, to do whatever it takes to get through the day. The worst part of all was that we didn’t know how long it would going to be that way. But this week I am feeling hopeful. Continue reading

Mom’s Birthday

Today is my mother’s birthday, the first since she passed away almost a year ago. In just a few weeks, we will observe her first yahrtzeit, the first anniversary of her passing. So much has happened this year, and we have all struggled mightily to find our way. When I think about telling her everything that has happened, it feels more like a dystopian novel than the truth. But it’s not all bad. Even though the past few months of winter have been particularly challenging, I am looking forward to returning once more to spending loads of time outdoors. And in view of the rising rates of vaccination, I am certain that next winter will be much better. Yesterday afternoon I sat outside in the sun for an hour with my husband, son-in-law, and daughter even though the temperature was only in the 20’s here in Cleveland. It was freezing, but that did not stop us from enjoying a plate of chocolates — handmade by my son’s friend in Jerusalem — and a bottle of Pavo Real wine, whose label displays a beautiful peacock feather. Mom really loved her peacocks, and her house was filled with their feathers. She would have loved that. Continue reading

YOUR HEALTHY PANDEMIC: Heavenly Date-Almond Latte

This recipe has it all. It’s comfort food, it’s sweet, it’s spicy, it’s bright, it’s smooth, and it’s caffeinated. Medjool dates are incredibly rich and moist, and they provide all the sweetness this latte recipe needs. The cinnamon is cozy, the citrus oils are bright, the cayenne provides a bit of heat, the almond butter is soothing and satisfying, and the vanilla offers a final kiss to bring it all home. If you’re living through a pandemic, and let’s be honest here — who isn’t? — then this latte is exactly what the doctor is ordering. Continue reading

YOUR HEALTHY PANDEMIC: Chocolate-Peanut Butter Brownies

You may have noticed that I posted another brownie recipe a couple of months ago. The truth is that these brownie recipes keep calling me, and I’m listening. So, yes, I’m on a bit of a brownie kick, at least as long as we continue trying our best to make our way through a pandemic with our sanity intact. I mean, if all that stands between you and regular personal hygiene is a brownie for breakfast, it seems like a no-brainer to me. Anyway, this brownie recipe in particular is so packed with nourishing ingredients that it’s really not necessary to think about it for very long; just go bake some brownies. Continue reading

YOUR HEALTHY PLATE: Orange Soup (Marak Katom)

In the past week I received a lot of requests for Orange Soup (marak katom), which I mentioned as having been my inspiration for last week’s Purple Soup (marak segol) recipe. So I checked out a whole lot of recipes, and I used those plus the large pot of Orange Soup I made two weeks ago to come up with a version to share here. Please note that you will need an immersion blender to make Orange Soup. And, in case you like words and their derivations, Marak Katom is named for its orange color, which happens, in Hebrew, to be a completely different word (kah-tome) than the fruit (tah-pooz).  Continue reading


In Jerusalem, “Orange Soup” (Marak Katom, or מרק כתום), made with a mixture of sweet potatoes, carrots, and squash, is very popular at this time of year. When I was at the market last week buying ingredients for orange soup, I also noticed some beautiful purple potatoes and, nearby, packages of carrots like jewels, ranging from butter yellow to crimson to dark purple. Prior to the vendor realizing I was buying the ingredients for orange soup, he tried to convince me to buy the purple potatoes instead of the sweet potatoes. He had a recipe in mind, too, and suggested that I consider making mashed purple potatoes. A nearby customer even joined in to say that they are delicious with a little bit of thyme and date syrup. “You won’t regret it!” she said. Once the vendor realized my intention for the sweet potatoes, however, he raised his palms toward me, tipped his head slightly, and said something to the effect of “Oh, well, okay, in that case!” Orange soup is the kind of recipe that everyone makes in their own slightly different way but, at the end of the day, orange soup is orange soup and it’s not to be messed with. Continue reading

Garlic Scapes

Since I’ve been hanging out in Jerusalem with my kids, I’ve had a chance to enjoy the huge CSA (community supported agriculture) boxes that arrive regularly to their front door. This past week they received what Israelis call “green garlic,” and they enjoyed using it in salads like they use green onions, but otherwise weren’t sure what it was or where it came from. So I thought it might be nice to talk about green garlic, also known as “garlic scapes.” Garlic and the entire family of Allium relatives (leeks, chives, scallions, onions) begin their underground lives as soft bulbs. As the bulbs begin to harden, a shoot rises up, breaks through the soil to the air, and curls above ground. This shoot, or flower stalk, is called the scape, and it supposedly appears on only the finest hardneck varieties of garlic. Continue reading