Real Breakfasts for All You Champions

Last week I wrote about the sorry story of how boxed cereals came to predominate morning choices for breakfast; this week I’m sharing some of my own breakfast choices. The first thing I am going to point out is that my breakfasts do not differ significantly from other meals I eat through the day. That is to say, I don’t keep a separate list of breakfast options from lunch and dinner options. While I would say that I probably eat less spicy stuff at breakfast time, it’s more of a suggestion than a hard-and-fast rule, as you will see.

A major category of breakfasts in my house is the leftovers I find in the refrigerator, with or without a little extra something. So it could be that I heat up a bowl of leftover stir-fried vegetables, and that might be enough by itself, but I might also add some leftover rice if there is any. Or maybe I will fry an egg and slide it on top, or melt a slice of cheese (vegan for me) on top.  Continue reading

Not a Breakfast for Champions

Breakfast cereals, generally speaking, are not particularly nourishing, although they do have a praiseworthy origin. They were invented near the turn of the 20th century by health spa owners offering an alternative to the eggs, coffee, and beef, bacon or sausage that constituted the usual breakfast of the time.

Not coincidentally, the invention of breakfast cereal also provided an economical use for the crumbs that fell to the bottom of the bread ovens at the health spas. The word “cereal” itself is a synonym for “grain,” and it is derived from Ceres, the Roman goddess of agriculture. We have strayed a long way from that origin. Continue reading

YOUR HEALTHY PANDEMIC: Chocolate-Peanut Butter Brownies

You may have noticed that I posted another brownie recipe a couple of months ago. The truth is that these brownie recipes keep calling me, and I’m listening. So, yes, I’m on a bit of a brownie kick, at least as long as we continue trying our best to make our way through a pandemic with our sanity intact. I mean, if all that stands between you and regular personal hygiene is a brownie for breakfast, it seems like a no-brainer to me. Anyway, this brownie recipe in particular is so packed with nourishing ingredients that it’s really not necessary to think about it for very long; just go bake some brownies. Continue reading

YOUR HEALTHY PLATE: Date-Nut “Cookies”

Looking for something inspired for snacks, dessert, or breakfast? Consider these date-nut “cookies.” I called them cookies only because they are round. If you have children at home, they will probably enjoy helping. If you have any vegan and/or gluten-free family members in the high school or college-age range, they will probably thank you, and then volunteer to make them next time around. Under ordinary circumstances I would consider these a special treat for holidays or company, with a cup of coffee or a glass of wine. But nowadays, being absolutely anything but ordinary, I would make them any time at all. I think you’ll like these very much. Sweet and nourishing. Continue reading

YOUR HEALTHY PLATE: Homemade Granola

My neighbor Jenn sent over the most wonderful gift two weeks ago. Among other special treats, it included a ball jar filled with a vanilla bean, a handful of cardamom pods, a variety of dehydrated citrus slices, large chunks of candied ginger, a few cloves, and a couple of cinnamon sticks. The instructions said to empty into a pot of water and allow to simmer so as to fill the house with amazing smells. I am still planning on doing that, but first I screwed off the top and ate all the ginger. Continue reading


and another pumpkin recipe…

A friend of ours who works for a major food processor once told us that 90 percent of the canned pumpkin sold in the U.S. is purchased between Thanksgiving and Christmas. I think I am probably responsible for the other 10 percent. Which is one of the reasons that I love this recipe. Continue reading

YOUR HEALTHY PLATE: Pumpkin Pie Smoothie

I adore the flavor of pumpkin. Where I grew up, about half an hour’s drive from my house there was an ice cream shoppe that always had pumpkin ice cream on the menu. I ordered it every time we went. And that’s just the beginning. Pumpkin soup, pumpkin ice cream, pumpkin pudding, pumpkin pie. You name it, I can never get enough. Incredibly satisfying. So over the years I’ve published a LOT of pumpkin recipes in the fall, and here is one more for your list. Continue reading

Being Kind to Yourself: A Basic Approach

A while ago, I was having a conversation with my friend Henry. He’s a doc, too, and we enjoy spending time together and talking about practicing medicine, taking care of patients, what it’s like, what we learn from it, and how we can do better. I am very grateful for Henry, and for the fact that we have been having this conversation for almost 25 years. It just so happens that Henry is in quarantine right now, so he’s on my mind. He’s fine in case you’re wondering, just being cautious. Continue reading