YOUR HEALTHY PLATE: Red Lentil Soup for the New Year

This coming Monday evening, as the sun slips below the horizon, we will begin our celebration of Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year. Rosh Hashanah dishes traditionally tend toward the sweet and the circular: sweet for a sweet new year, and circular to represent the seasons that run one into the next, year after year, around and around. Instead of the usual braid, even challah is twisted into rounds at this time of year.  Continue reading

YOUR HEALTHY PLATE: Pecan Bread (vegan, gf)

My family gets together for dinner every Friday night, and it’s always like a touchstone. It’s the end of the week, and the start of the weekend. It’s a chance to catch up with everyone, and a chance to kick back. It’s a time to share ideas, and to find out who’s heard from our son and daughter-in-law overseas. It’s an opportunity to drink a glass of wine, to eat my husband’s delicious cooking, including his homemade challah, and to mark and celebrate special events from the week, including birthdays and anniversaries. We are a noisy group, and we range in age from 6 weeks to 88 years, so it takes a while for everyone to get situated around the table. When we can, we eat around the massive picnic table that my parents brought from New Jersey when they moved next door. Otherwise we gather in the living room. And then, finally, it’s time for a taste of Lisa’s pecan bread.

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Celebrating the Fourth of July

Below is one of my favorite posts, posted originally on July 4, 2010:

It’s the fourth of July today, and my family has converged on the family farm for the great annual bash. On and off since yesterday evening, strapping grandsons have been carrying cartons of beer, wine, soda, water, and iced tea up to the deck, where great drums of ice stand ready to receive them all. Continue reading


Some of my friends think I never eat treats, sweets, or anything fun AT ALL. They are so wrong. It is true that I don’t eat what I would categorize as “food-like” products or manufactured calories like corn syrup, white flour, and maltodextrin. But I definitely enjoy my share of desserts, especially this year. Continue reading

YOUR HEALTHY PLATE: Thanksgiving Weekend Squash Heaven

Here’s another recipe to share around. Even after you’ve eaten all the turkey and stuffing and gravy and mashed potatoes and cranberries and Brussels sprouts and mac+cheese and pumpkin pie and whatever else your family always makes for Thanksgiving, there is often a squash or two left on the counter. Here is something very special that you can do with that squash, a breathtaking way to elevate it to an honored spot at the table.  

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YOUR HEALTHY PLATE: Thanksgiving Green Beans and Potatoes

This year is the first time in 40 years that my family will not be joining our friends Duane and Connie for Thanksgiving. Yes, you read that right. We are doing this so as to increase the likelihood that we will be together next year. Connie’s annual feast includes a number of very special, tried and true recipes, and this one for Green Beans and Potatoes is one of the ones that I think about most in the between times. Continue reading

YOUR HEALTHY PLATE: Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

Our recent seasonal recipes have left us with a large amount of pumpkin seeds. This is my favorite recipe for what to do with them. Apropos of nothing, seeds are a great idea for families with nut allergies. But they’re really delicious no matter what. And they’re a great treat for when you’re on the couch watching a movie, or for sprinkling on salad, soup, or even roasted squash. Continue reading

YOUR HEALTHY PLATE: Vegan Cholent (Crockpot Stew)

Last weekend, I made this recipe for the first day of Sukkot, the fall harvest festival, and we ate it inside our beautiful sukkah that my husband built last week. It warmed us from the inside out in the chilly 50 degree weather. And then it was gone, I mean really GONE, just a few hours later. Even my father, who said “I don’t like cholent,” ate a huge bowlful and said he changed his mind. Please make a note of that. Continue reading


Preparing for the holidays with my mom was a major highlight of my childhood. Like many other special dishes that we ate on dedicated holidays throughout the calendar, we made tsimmes twice a year, in the fall for Rosh Hashanah (it is traditional to eat sweet foods on Rosh Hashanah), and in the spring for Passover. My mom never used recipes, preferring to combine ingredients as her grandmother and mother-in-law did, but, truthfully, tsimmes is one of those dishes that probably doesn’t really need much of a recipe anyway.  Continue reading

YOUR HEALTHY PLATE: Two-Ingredient Fudge (vegan, gf)

If you’d like to try something sweet to calm your mind and nourish yourself from the inside out, both at the same time, you may want to make this two-ingredient fudge. It won’t take more than five minutes, and it will fill your belly with yummy goodness. This fudge is super rich and nourishing, so I really do recommend cutting it into 18 squares. You can still eat as many squares as you like. And you may eat this for breakfast if you’d like, with a cup of coffee or a glass of milk. Continue reading