YOUR HEALTHY PLATE: Channah’s Whitefish Soup from Jerusalem

I am back! Inboxes, circadian rhythms, unpacking, and laundry are all emptied, adjusted, and done! It was nothing less than thrilling to meet our new grandson, and to feel the joy of seeing our son and daughter-in-law become parents to their beautiful new baby boy. Our daughter-in-law is a great cook, and I brought home a special recipe of hers. She emphasized that this recipe works with any whitefish available, and you should not feel the need to purchase anything too expensive or special. These are her instructions below, and I’ve underlined the ingredients to make it easier to get organized: Continue reading


This very easy recipe takes food from simple to spectacular. Put cashew cream on your grain bowl or veggie bowl, and you’ll take it from everyday to amazing, good to great, ordinary to extraordinary, standard to spectacular. You can use any kinds of veggies, whether steamed (broccoli, cauliflower), roasted (carrots, asparagus, onions), stir-fried (snap peas, mushrooms, sprouts), or even raw (tomatoes, cucumbers). And it’s also perfect for grains like brown rice, bulgur wheat, or even quinoa (which I know is not technically a grain). We eat a lot of vegetables in my house, and the leftovers usually get eaten. Recipes like this one are a big part of the reason why. Continue reading


We have been roasting a lot of delicata squash this past month, sliced open, seeds scooped away, and sprinkled with olive oil, salt and cinnamon. I can eat delicatas for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and still never tire of them. I love the delicate flavor, the gentle skin that doesn’t need to be cut away, and the sweetness of the orange flesh. This way of preparing delicata squash is about as simple as it gets, and somewhat of a contrast to my first introduction to delicatas. Continue reading

YOUR HEALTHY PLATE: Oatmeal-Peanut Butter-Chocolate Treats

For almost a decade, I worked side by side with a wonderful doctor, made even better by the fact that his wife, from time to time, would send in a plateful of these seriously yummy oatmeal-peanut butter-chocolate treats. I don’t remember where I put her recipe, but if this isn’t it, well, then it’s close enough. These are sweetly satisfying when you want a treat, and nourishing enough to take the edge off when it’s 2 o’clock and you haven’t had lunch yet. A couple of these with a glass of milk (for snack) or cup of tea or coffee (for breakfast) would also be perfect. And of course they’re not just for grownups. Continue reading

Love Thy Neighbors

It hardly feels adequate to say that my friends and neighbors took over for a few days a couple of weeks ago when the truth is that they swooped in with food, soups, bread, hand sanitizer, and essential oils, not to mention apple-ginger muffins wrapped in handmade dish towels (recipe below). There were many hugs and nods of understanding, for these were the people who knew and appreciated my dad in his last days, stopping by with quarts of homemade chicken noodle soup, doing reiki treatments for the sheer generosity of it, and bringing pans of chicken and rice, my dad’s favorite chopped salad, fish and stewed tomatoes, and more. Nothing escaped their caring eyes. Continue reading

YOUR HEALTHY PLATE: Red Lentil Soup for the New Year

This coming Monday evening, as the sun slips below the horizon, we will begin our celebration of Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year. Rosh Hashanah dishes traditionally tend toward the sweet and the circular: sweet for a sweet new year, and circular to represent the seasons that run one into the next, year after year, around and around. Instead of the usual braid, even challah is twisted into rounds at this time of year.  Continue reading


If your counter looks anything like mine, it’s probably that time of year when you gather up your haul of tomatoes and turn them into soup. Tomatoes are best stored and eaten warm, so you’ll probably be starting with tomatoes at room temperature. Plan on making this recipe early enough in the day that it has time to cool thoroughly. It will be worth it, especially on these hot, humid, late summer days. Continue reading

YOUR HEALTHY PLATE: The Very Best Gazpacho Recipe

It’s August, and I’m posting a gazpacho recipe every week for the entire month! Gazpacho is soup and salad, both at the same time. This one is made with golden tomatoes, and it looks as good as it tastes.

Chief Cook-and-Bottle-Washer brought home a tray of golden, acid-free tomatoes one Friday, and I had my eye on them from the minute they entered the house. We ate a few on Friday night, and more on Saturday. Then I couldn’t resist, and I swooped in on Sunday morning to pulverize the rest! Chief C&BW said it was okay, he would go buy more. Thank you, Chief. Continue reading

YOUR HEALTHY PLATE: Cucumber Gazpacho

This is the time of year for gazpacho, so get ready! I’m going to post some of my favorite traditional tomato gazpacho recipes in the coming weeks, but we’re starting with something a little different — cucumber gazpacho. Salad in a soup. I made a slightly different version of this gazpacho last night, and the avocado gave it a super creamy texture. Such a great way to get your veggies, to start your day with leftover gazpacho for a slightly unorthodox breakfast, and to fill your waiting belly with a pile of phytonutrients! Continue reading


A couple weeks ago I was doing some cooking at my daughter and son in law’s house while they were learning to change diapers and care for our newborn granddaughter (!!) I pulled a container of tofu from the refrigerator and made something really yummy and totally new with it. Basically, I cut the tofu into approximately 20 squares and roasted them until most of the water had evaporated and they looked more like crackers than tofu. Continue reading